Saturday, December 31, 2005
Feliz Ano Nuevo!
We spent Christmas "The Day" with my folks and brother in Yuma, eating ham and ooh-ing and aah-ing at the old ornaments which have been in storage for a long time. Several of them came home with me and will grace our trees in years to come. Yay! Seth and I zipped off to Algodones, Mexico (all of 20 minutes away from Yuma) for some shopping and lunch on Christmas Eve. Our favorite little eatery, El Pueblo Viejo, was hosting a big family party, and a 9-piece mariachi band strolled in and serenaded the whole place! They were fantastic, as was the food and the people there.
Mark and Fran returned from their Christmas cruise and we had our Christmas with them this week. Good to have them back.
I am a bit at loose ends with my knitting--the post-project slump. I really like the Arachne shrug in The Knitting Goddess, but I hate the thought of spending money for more yarn when I have lots of stuff in my stash! Mind you, I can talk myself into it, and I know my stash is like a drop in the ocean compared to some I've seen, but... then there are Jane's socks...I want to try socks...and I really love the Backyard Leaves scarf, but I don't know if my abilities are up to it, so there's Branching Out...what next? The new year will tell.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Triangle bag

1-21-05 knitting and Spot 009
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
post-felting, looks kind of like a stingray!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
All the news
Marion's been down with a dastardly bug which ate up our entire weekend and left her pretty well pasty and wan. Hoping she's ok for school tomorrow. She's been a real trouper, I must say.
I'm really enjoying poking around all the knitting/craft blogs I'm finding. It's fun to see what other people are creating and get inspired by them. Yay for artful, crafty people! Keep it up!
Marion with a friend

12-4-05 Marion & Spot 004
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
When did she get this big? I really was watching the whole time....
Here's Spot!

12--05 Marion & Spot 005
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
Wearing a blade of dead grass! (I swear, he just walks in through the dog door with this stuff plastered to his schnoz.)
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Puppets and Poppet

Puppets and Poppet 004
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
From "The Name of the Tree", here are Hare, Kudu, Springbuck, Lion, and Marion.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Shawl detail

Shawl detail
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
This shows the color well, and you can see the gold thread in it, too. Hooray for e-bay yarn sellers!
Blurry image

Closeup of the Moda Dea yarn
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
Rowan yarn, O Rowan yarn,
you sheepy, hefty strand..
I like the way you work and play well with other yarns. Well done you.
Further adventures with Triangle Bag

Further adventures with Triangle Bag
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
I'm really flying by the seat of my pants here. Not sure the decreases are going to do what I intend them to, but what the hell.
Thanks given.
The celebratory part of the day was delightful. My bro-in-law did most of the cooking, and I got to sit around and knit and yack with my extended family for a lazy day. Dinner was delicious, and I made good on my promise to handle the dishes as I didn't really cook anything this year. My fingers are finally beginning to de-prune.
Work has been up and down of late, ending on a fairly pleasant note today. Hope we can continue on in this vein.
Enjoyable outing by myself to my favorite bookstore last night; found the exact books I was seeking and some surprises which leapt into my arms! Also a little giftie for a girlie I know and some really sweet Christmas cards. Has anyone else noticed just how difficult it is to find cards that actually go out on a non-PC limb and say "Merry Christmas"? It's getting tougher all the time! I am a non-churchgoing person with very spiritual beliefs, but I think that we really needn't water down EVERY holiday greeting.
I have been promised the opportunity to take cast photos of the sock puppet show performers tomorrow night. We really had fun with them; I had a blast watching Seth polish and re-do the set until it met his very exacting specifications. The kids who attended really enjoyed it, and I think Marion got a kick out of performing, too. More details when photos are up.
Until then, make due with the updated Triangle Bag shots and the e-bay yarn shawl, both of which are giving me lots of pleasure. Hope everyone knitting for the holidays remembers to take a breath now and again and head over to Kiki's blog to remember rules and regulations for gift-knitting. Thanks for the reminders, Kiki!
Monday, November 14, 2005
Nearly mid-November!
I have to stop working on my current WIP (see below) and take some time out to help Seth and Marion with their puppets. They have a show to perform next week, and I agreed to be the puppet designer. Have to knit a couple of manes and tails, and cut and sew some ears and horns and trunks.
Congrats to Della and thanks again for allowing me to assist with your de-stashing and for generously shipping to these here United States! What a classy dame!!
Triangle bag

Triangle bag 1
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
To this in Mesa! My first stab at designing... this will be felted and have a single handle with a chance of an intarsia-type design, if my bravery holds out. Stay tuned....
Triangle bag

Triangle bag 3
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
I like the contrast of the Moda Dea yarn. It's mostly wool, and so will felt a bit, methinks. If time allows, this will be a Christmas giftie.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Maybe she'll let me come next year.
I have finished my skinny scarf--it'll be a Christmas present after I block it. Perhaps a photo will follow....
And for tomorrow, Feliz Dia de Los Muertos! Tim, we're thinking of you with much amor.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
YAY White Sox!
Working on some Christmas presents with the sticks and string thing. Thanks to the delightful Gale, I have added Branching Out to my list of Christmas cheer. I love leaf patterns, and this one looks eminently do-able. I may even attempt chart navigation! (Tune in next time to see if I survive!)
Sunday, October 16, 2005
And now for something NOT completely different...
Had a very nice time knitting with Kiki and family and friends at the well-kept secret hideout of City Bakery yesterday. It took all my willpower to sit and knit and not eat everything in the place. Thanks for the invite; I'll be back!
Marion's returned from a trip with my folks to San Diego. Everyone seems to have had fun, and all are exhausted. Back to the regular grind of school tomorrow, but the Arizona Fair looms large for next weekend.....
I'm still in a felting frenzy. My "Felted Knits" book has a great "dresser tray" pattern in it, and I've halved and quartered it and am thinking they'll make great Christmas gifties. So quick to knit!
Looks like my Katia ebay yarn will be in my hands tomorrow, and I'm taking my proper size needles to work so as to start on the mystery Christmas gift at lunch. Hoorah!
My formerly-secret-now-upgraded-to-well-known-British chum, Mandella, writes that I get to assist with her de-stashing program. She's such a sweetie. Sounds like she and many other ladies from across the pond had a blast at the big "Ally Pally" event. Yes, I'm jealous.
It's getting late and I do have work tomorrow, boo-hoo. More later.
Marion's ballet backpack

Marion's ballet backpack
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
Here it is, as promised. It's Janet Scanlon's "Packy Sack" pattern in the medium size. Just right for stashing ballet shoes and dance stuff.
Strap closeup

Strap closeup
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
I love this stitch--it was in "Simple Knits for Creative Living" as a purse strap; and I used it for Marion's top.
Marion's tank top

Marion's tank top
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.
Based on Kerri's (of MagKnits and Kerri's Place)Mission Tank pattern. Thanks Kerri!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
A brief update
Have not yet gotten around to re-upping my photo program. I used Picasa's "Hello" just because Blogger said I could, but I've signed up with Flickr. Any opinions on this? I like them Flickr badges that act like a gallery of photos.
Barked at my boss today. Man, it felt good.
Have neglected my local knitting groups and hope to rejoin the fold soon, as well as to join the ever-generous Kiki et famile for knitting in whichever tres chic bwat (sp?) they happen to be knitting in. My girlie has given it up in despair as she cannot master the knit stitch in three seconds. Sounds just like me.....poor kid.
Off to read a blog or two and vacuum. Tomorrow....installing a new dishwasher! Rapture! Joy! An end to moldy insulation spewing forth from the inner door area of my old dishwasher! Yippee!
Have a fun Wednesday.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Big Jumbo McHuge!!!
Here's what's shaking:
I am now working in a new office! Same crazy job, but in a new, larger location! I'll try to get some photos posted next week. Suffice to say, moving a medical office that's been in the same place for 20 years took some doing, and I was one of the main "do-ers" over the last week. All praise, however, to Lynn, my fabulous office manager. I would eat broken glass if she asked me to, but I hope it won't come to that.
I have finished Marion's tank top. It's light blue on the front and darker (but not navy) blue on the back, and it has an unintentional yet fashionable stripe across the front. The straps were bald-facedly stolen from a purse strap featured in Simple Knits for Sophisticated Living, and the pattern itself was adapted from Kerri's beautiful tank top for her small childie, the Mission Tank. Links will follow in the next post, I promise. (You can Google it for now if you really need it)Thanks, Kerri!
Our computer went walkabout for a while and I don't have my photo-posting capabilities going (AGAIN), but I will get that up soon and put the photos on. I really have them, just can't show you right now.
My darling redhead is plotting the overthrow of his idiotic bosses and planning to start his own business. I must finish stressing about my job so that I can stress about his.
Girlie is off at a sleepover with her best friend. She is loving third grade, although we are way more than fed up with the AIMS crapo and Pres. Skippy's "No child left behind" propaganda which is forcing her teachers to be automatons. We are thinking about private schools, yet that combined with starting a business is a somewhat tricky equation....
In short, life continues it's mad, merry pace here in Arizona. It is cooling off, and we have been enjoying the patio and the birds and the 70-degree mornings. We're moving into the season which reminds us of WHY we live here. Yay!
Summer's almost done! Wool coming up! BAAAAAAA!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Hooray for Friday
"If you want to destroy my sweater,
Pull this thread as I walk away,
Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked,
Lying on the floor, I've come undone..."
I've liked that song since before I became a knitter.
I can't believe that out of 500+ participants, my Secret Pal guessed me! She's amazing! I never did scroll through all the blogs listed, and trying to find out who's gifted me (HELLO, PRINCESS CASPIAN!! IS EVERYTHING OK?) seemed a Herculean task that was beyond my mere mortal capabilities.
I'm zipping along on Marion's cotton tank top, based on and adapted from Kerrie's Mission Tank (Thanks for the helpful hints, Kerrie!) I'm using size 7 needles and the front has taken almost a skein of Cotton-Ease, and I'm nearly ready to start the back. Photos soon.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
It's still too hot here.
Alas, he was right. I could have kept on and tried making it into a top for me (I am a bit stockier than Miss M), but I was annoyed, and frogging seemed the right thing to do. Will try again in a smaller size, maybe on larger needles to speed things up? Hmmmm.
Anyone know of a nice substitute for Trendsetter's Dune that comes in a lively red and won't require me to cash in my IRA for 6-7 skeins? I've a nice pattern for an easy wrap I'm imagining for someone, but neither Dune nor Lion's Moonlight Mohair come in a good, vibrant RED.
In other news, Princess Caspian, are you out there? Everything OK?
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Ok, I'm officially confused.
Thanks to Angela at the Nashville SNB (she has a marvelous blog, by the way) for letting me swipe the "Knitters Against Bush" button from her site. Someday I will find out how to get links to come up properly when I put buttons in or mention someone in a post. Many thanks, Angela! Love your veggies.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Darn, now I have neither a "Knitters Against Bush" nor a "Flying Spaghetti Monster" button on my blog. I may just curl up in a ball and start whimpering.
Then again, I may just drink some more of this lovely Yellowtail Chardonnay and eat Snapea Crisps until I am immobile. After all, it IS Friday!!
Working on M's tank top in the blue Cotton-ease which I snapped up at Tuesday morning. One of the shops still has some, and I may go back and get more, BECAUSE I CAN!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Still trying to figure out how to get the buttons to show the address when you pass over them...any advice from you better-informed bloggers?
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The latest
Details on the Virginia trip and our short-but-sweet San Diego trip soon, I promise.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
What's your bag, baby?
Taking her to the yarn shop was a blast! She was the proverbial kid in a candy store with all the sequiny, furry, and fun novelties to sift through. I changed the strap to one from "Sophisticated Knits" and enlarged it a bit, and we are both pleased with the end result.
Marion and I had a great trip to Virginia--more on that when I have photos and a bit more time to post.
Happy new bag, Hai-Jung!
Friday, July 08, 2005
I love England!
Everyone we met there was kind and pleasant and clever. We send sympathy and love to all those who lost a loved one, and wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured.
Special, special thanks to HRH Princess Caspian for the treasures she sent! I could barely stand to unwrap the crinkly brown paper, and when I did, the goodies inside were such a delight. My husband and daughter enjoyed the whole ceremony of opening the gifties.
Love the magazine--makes me crave more time in the UK. I'm reading Bill Bryson's "Notes From a Small Island", so I think the fizzy bath bomb and soap will accompany a good long reading/soaking binge. And what can I possibly say about the lambie/tape measure? I crowed about it and showed it off to eveyone in my office, and they all got a huge smile out of it. It's just the sweetest thing, and I'll love using it and thinking of my secret pal!
Thanks so much, my dear British pal! Please know that I'm thinking of you and sending my best to you, your family, and everyone on your delightful isle.
I'm away to Virginia for a week's visit with my oldest pal--updates as possible or on my return. Bye for now!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Mad dogs and Englishmen....
It was cheeping and preening, and fluffing itself in the somewhat cool breeze. It was joined by another finch, and the two companionably sat, singing and chatting about how clever they were to have discovered this fabulous mystery cooling system.
We originally started leaving the cooler running for the dog. My husband says Spot is a bit daft, and when I saw that two tiny birds had figured out what Spot has been missing for three years, I will say it makes me wonder.