This is a Mason-Dixon dishcloth in action; wielded by yours truly. It does a boffo job gathering crumbs and bits of broccoli from the table, scrubs the stovetop nicely, and can then be flung into the washer. Knit them and send them hither and yon--I am. Also plan to try some of Alison's entrelac--she'll tell you from whence they came iffen you take the time to find them on her blog. (Go. Print. Knit.)

Here it is, resting on it's grubby laurels. I love you, MD dishcloth! I do not shrink from forcing you into dirty situations, be they dribbles of apple cider or coffee grounds splattered across a cutting board. You are a workhorse, and your name is COTTON.

We spent the day doing some tidying-up on the patio. My redhead came into the house after starting the sprinklers out back this evening and said, "There's a blue thing stuck to a piece of cardboard with pins out there." This is his way of asking me why there is something cluttering up the now-tidy patio.
I replied, "It's being punished."
He asked no more questions, but began to cook dinner. Good man.
This will hopefully morph into a very cute birthday gift in the next 48 hours.
Arizona in August is a fabulous place to block wool, people.

And here is something else all in blue to warm your heart. She tried a new school for a week this summer, and decided it was for her. Now she's going there full-time, has already been warmly embraced and made welcome, has already been to the first birthday party for a classmate and is planning a sleep-over with another. We are SOOO happy, I can hardly contain myself. Go Marion!

Thanks so much for visiting. It's always a treat to get a new commenter.
You make such a strong case for the MD dishclothes .. I may have to make one myself!
Kudos to the discloth! Do you think I should make one with Rowan?
You are very strict with your blocking! I cannot believe you had to punish it for just being a knit piece. Tut Tut....
Yay, Marion!
And nice action shots! I love those dumb dishcloths. Dave of Criminey Jickets's Garterlac dishcloth is pretty easy to make too. (I made one when I was wrestling with my Failed Prototype).
Those latters on your shirt - I know them all - I learnedCyrillic alphabet in primary school (and I am not from Russia!), I have even red "War and Peace" in Cyrillic! It really brings back memories!
Hey it's Abigail's blog not Alison's:D
Ooh, sorry Abigail!
I'm a complete half-wit sometimes...
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