My dear hubby caught a couple of halibut while we were in Alaska last month, and we just got them back in fillet form. Did up half in a yummy teriyaki sauce (Soy Vey from Trader Joe's) and the others done with an Almondine (Almandine?) recipe from my mother-in-law. Both yummy.
And there's more in the freezer!!

My Fisherman's Rib scarf, made with Noro Kujaku in color 5.
(What an inspired name, five...
doesn't it just conjure up images of a dreamy lakeside glen, or nymphs dancing in a forest clearing...)

Actually, I'm calling it my Northern Lights scarf. Firstly because I bought the yarn in Ketchikan at a very nice yarn and bead shop, and secondly, I think the little wrapped bits that make the colored loopies bring to mind the Aurora Borealis, even though I've never seen those beauties in person.

We here (that being me, myself, and I) are thrilled to report that a handful of you fab-o knitters have enthusiastically RSVP'd for the Frog-Along! The Blogging committee (see the list of "We", above) will soon make an attempt to show a roster of those delightful participants. If you've not yet signed up, there's plenty of time! Bring the kids! Make it a family event. You know, join in!
Long, wide scarf - just the one I need for winter!
P.S. Is this your working gress? (reminds me of nurse outfit, and you are wotking in ophtalmology!)
Beautiful scarf! Northern Lights is a good name!
I love that scarf, the color and the name. Perfect souvenir from an Alaskan vacation. So you're all set for that chilly Arizona September, eh?
Your scarf is gorgeous!
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