Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Easter peeps

Check these babies out!
They've grown a TON in a week! See the beaks?

I'm knitting away with Pam's wondrous wool from The Great White North.... two hats and have been completed and are awaiting a wash, and a scarf is well underway. When I have a bit more finished, watch this space for a fashion show starring my favorite non-stick-figurelike model!

A big shout-out to KT! She was SOOO generous and willing to behave like a modified-stalker to get the MD babes to sign their book for me! Wheee! I can't tell you how wonderful the photos are on KT's blog which showcase all three ladies in their stunning eyewear. So just go on over and look at 'em. It makes my little ophthalmic tech's heart glad to see such bespectacled loveliness.

I am going to stop typing now and go work on my sock. That or sketch out some other crazy knitting ideas I have been rolling around in that gooshy grey matter I carry around under my grey hair.

Snoozing Springer Spaniel. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

1 comment:

MandellaUK said...

Ha! I wondered if you were "KT in Arizona" referred to on the MD Blog. I should have known better. There can be only one.