Well, I think I really did it this time! The wrapped stitches were a little confusing, and I did do some tinking, but there's a heel on that thar sock! I think it's a bit loose in some places, but I'm thinking that when I weave in the ends that'll help a bit. And it isn't perfect, but so what??? I'm very happy with it. I'm strongly motivated to go ahead and weave in the ends now so that I can put it on--the British measures don't quite go up enough for my big Irish feet, but I figger I can just keep stockinetting on until it's toe time. Yay!
I've been cogitating a bit about the jewelry kit that Seth gave me a while back...I have made a few things from it, and I really like noodling with wire, and the little voice in my head wouldn't go away, so here it is......

That's two (count 'em, TWO) rows of garter stitch! I was giggling maniacally the entire time I was doing it, and Marion called out to me, "What are you doing?" I replied that I was knitting with toothpicks and wire, and she called back, incredulously, "TOOTHPASTE?", which of course, made me laugh until I snorted. She said she thought it would be pretty cool if I could do THAT. It really was an interesting experiment, as once the loop was formed, I could wave the toothpick in the air or use it for it's intended purpose if I felt like it--that loop was LOOPED and would not undo. I could practically push it through without the needle, and it was interesting to see everything stay so formed. There may be variations on this coming in the future, we'll see. Of course, the one difficulty was..

breakage. Fortunately, these babies ain't Addis and 7-11 is open all night iffen I run through a whole box!
Please surf over to the coolest Brit I know who has an impending Natal Day this week--I won't tell you how many, but I will say she's a wonderful friend who deserves all your well-wishes. Feliz cumpleanos, mi amiga!
Nice sock!
Did wire knitting hurt your hands? Its got some cool possibilities with beads & trinkets, if no pain's involved. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Love the sock.
I tried knitting string a while ago. And it hurt my fingers so I can't imagine what wire felt like!
Thanks for your comments on my blog recently.
Your first heel; I am so proud of you! I think the model is doing an excellent job.
The wire knitting looks like fun, best stay off the good needles though!
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