I thought this would be done and in L.A.by then.
Garter stitch, you know.
Lucky for me, baby is due in October.

M and my redhead helped choose the button today.
It was fun trying different ones.
We agreed on this beauty.

Mason-Dixon pattern from Book 1
(can't wait to check out book#2)
superwash heavyweight sock wool instead of cotton
My seaming isn't great, but not bad.

I'm going to miss the button.
I'm glad you showed the close up of that button because although it looked pretty in the other shots, I didn't realise its true magnificence! I'd be missing it too. Lovely lovely baby jacket.
And yes, the sock knitting on my blog is from one of my hand dyed skeins. It was kettle dyed with plums and purples and I'm enjoying the fairly subtle variegation as it knits up. It's so fine though - a real 3ply light fingering which I've never used for socks before.
Love the button, and the sweater too! Enjoy your chicken pot pie.
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