Here's my November calendar page for Deb. I've really enjoyed this one all year--it's called "Bon Apetit" and features illustrations from French food adverts from the 1900's. Will likely keep this one around apres nouveax annee.

Here's himself with freshly trimmed ears and heaven knows what on his nose. I really do love this guy.

WIP--Pincushion Challenge Swap

She manned the nutcracker with minimal assistance and got this pecan out unscathed!

Pecans in the myrtlewood bowl

It was an interesting day. Seth had a job, so M and I hit the park and played catch, then came home and sat on the patio and sketched our versions of the backyard. I started Spot's fall grooming--Santa, if you're listening, a short-haired doggie next time?--and will progress to the wash and shave-down in the next day or two.
It felt funny not to have a softball game tonight! And I mentioned to Seth that this was the first Sunday in months that I did not look at the clock and think, "Cripes! It's already (fill-in-the-hour) o'clock!" I don't know if the first fact influenced the second, but it was a good day. Got lots of household stuff done and fun stuff and a little more of the part-time stuff as well.
Here's hoping everyone has a good week. As my friend and neighbor, Fred Rogers, says,
"Wish you well!"
awww! NUTS!
(couldn't resist being a bit punny.)
Aw, a calendar and a cute doggie picture--thanks!
I can comment this time!! I absolutely loved the seed pod pictures from the previous post! You have one talented gal there!!
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