Saturday, August 18, 2012

The party's over

Summer here in the Pacific NW is drawing to a close. It's a short season at best, and my tomatoes are mature but not yet ripening. (I was advised to pick off all the new flowers to get the plant to pay attention to the fruit already maturing,)

It's been in the high 80's to 90's this week. Herself and I went to a water park on Thursday and had a great time. Today was cooler and a bit cloudy--tantalizingly lovely and hovering in the 80s.

The girlie has been actingactingsingingdancingacting this summer. The redhead has played chauffeur and worked very hard at healing up well following his surgery. This week, the girlie had a break. We thought about going somewhere this weekend, but decided instead to have a very simple backyard potluck and invite some folks over.

A good part of yesterday and this morning was spent cleaning up the place and getting ready. As we worked, I reminded myself how nice it is to have the house in "clean-enough-for-party" mode. I always worry (doesn't everyone?) about whether folks will enjoy each other, do we have enough refreshments, is the bathroom clean enough for everyone to use?

We had the world's-best in-laws over. We had our new neighbors with their lovely toddler and new baby and one of the grandmas. The other neighbor's boy came with our dear lady from across the street who dog-sits our old Spot on occasion. My dear redhead invited some friends from work who also have a new infink. My good friend from work came with her Papi-hua-hua (papillon/chihuahua cross), and the nicest lady from down the street came by,too.

As usual, it came together beautifully.

I have no pictures, so you'll just have to take my word. Babies were passed around and loved. My amazing girlie entertained the young 'uns with drawing and the sprinkler and a very cleverly thought up scavenger hunt list (some of the items: two pine cones, a blue crayon, someone with brown hair, a cookie). She danced and sang and made a great playlist featuring 1776, The Rutles, Little Shop of Horrors, The Indigo Girls and The Monkees. There was freshly caught JUST-smoked salmon that the fish-eaters raved about. Everyone ate and chatted and enjoyed. The weather was obligingly perfect.

Sometimes I think that the best part of the party is after. When everyone has gone home with leftovers, the dishes are done, and the set struck. The quiet calm of an unusually clean house, the girlie curled up with a book on the couch in the purply evening light, my favorite redhead noodling on the computer, and the dear old doggie groggily reveling in having his house back to his main pack.

I am content.

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