There isn't much that can compare to coming home after a hard day's work (hard, but not unhappy) to find your household in some semblance of order. Today, in my household, that fine, fine semblance of order contained some of the following:
* a tired husband who'd spent the day wrangling installers to provide TV for his poor mum who's laid up with a bad foot,
* a girlie who'd done her homework and picked up in her room as requested,
* a father-in-law who, upon hearing you enter the house, immediately proposed dinner out,
* a spaniel who'd refrained from vomiting, (he's fine, we'll discuss it another time)
*a comment from lovely Kathy (a damn-fine knitter) awarding me an award.
I am tickled all shades but pink, and in keeping with the spirit of the award, will happily bestow it upon to ten deserving others. Instructions are "give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
Easy peasy.
Tarty Crafty because Della's my gal across the pond. She knits beautiful things, she rides a cool bike, she has a bunny, and now, as a special added bonus, she spins!
Pea Soup of the Day as Suse can surely write. And shoot great photos. And make me want to go down under. And her knitting's got a sense of humor (read the comments) and when she swears in print, I love it.
Lookie What I Made cuz KT and me, we go together like corn and peas, Flatt & Scruggs, and KT and kt. PLUS she has the supercutest smallholleringboys in the known (and unknown) universe, and we think our DHs may have been separated at birth. The knitting? It just goes without saying....
Yarn Miracle cause Em knits socks like they're going out of style (but they aren't, are they EM?) and she's a hoot and a half she turned me on to Icanhascheezeburger and she's joining the ranks of us CoolMoms!
Say La Vee due to the fact that I want to be blackbird when I grow up. Just go read. You'll understand.
Knitting Weather because I love Alaska and Kathy is a proper Alaskan who knits incredible things. SO impressed with her knitting, and reading her blog is like getting a letter from an old friend; full of newsy bits about family and comings and goings and doings. Just plain nice.
And speaking of nice, may I introduce you to Woof Nanny? Barb is an incredibly sweet, multi-talented woman who has several blogs about cool, crafty stuff. She's a well-kept secret who shouldn't be secret at all! Spread the word!
I'm probably one of the last knitters in the world to fall for Franklin, but if you haven't found The Panopticon, scoot your tush over there and get ready to marvel at luxurious lace, darling baby knits (and a darling-er baby), and a sheep named Dolores who must be read/seen to be believed. Go.
Now Norma Knits is what all blogs aspire to be; literate, classy, easy-on-the-eyes with a huge side of ROTFL and kick-ass knitting. Norma rocks, and she rocks it hard.
Ok, that's 9. As we all know by now, 9 is my favorite number. The Award, however, calls for 10 blogs. I have a tenth blog in mind, but there's a small wrinkle. I don't remember it's name, and I'm working without my favorites list! I'm using Mr. Smartypants' computer because c'mon people, we've only been here 16 days! Give me a break! Jeez!
Anyhoo, we'll just save that last tantalizing morsel for another time. I'll just say that it's a blog I found through flickr and my love of elephants. The blogstress makes DIVINE little aminals (no, it's not spelled wrong, it's just twee on porpoise) and I will share them with you as soon as I can.
Off to eat chocolate now and bask in the last hour of my nice day.