Crafty photos to appear soon... (I know, promises, promises...)
In the meantime, here's a biker chick, a harbinger of summer and a purty lil' thing, in that order, followed by a fun meme.

Swiped from Badger via Blackbird:
If I was an hour of the day... I would be 11:oo AM.
If I was a planet... I would be Pluto. Yes, it is!
If I was a direction... I would be up.
If I was a piece of furniture... I would be a comfortable camping chair.
If I was a liquid... I would be tequila.
If I was a sin... I would be Sloth. (Oh yeah.)
If I was a rock... I would be malachite.
If I was a tree... I would be a Cascalote (Caeselpinia cacalaco).
If I was a fruit... I would be a naval orange.
If I was a flower... I would be a sweet pea.
If I was a climate... I would be rainy.
If I was a musical instrument... I would be a concertina. (English, mind.)
If I was an element... I would be Earth.
If I was a color... I would be dusty brick-red.
If I was an animal... I would be an elephant.
If I was a sound... I would be my husband's from-the-gut, wonderful bwah-ha-ha laugh.
If I was music... I would be big-band.
If I was a music style... I would be Hoagy Carmichael type-tunes.
If I was a feeling... I would be pleased.
If I was a book... I would be worn and well-read.
If I was a food... I would be fried. Probably potatoes.
If I was a place... I would be a garden anywhere.
If I was a flavour... I would be cumin.
If I was a scent... I would be citrus.
If I was a word... I would be zippy.
If I was a verb... I would be fling!
If I was an object... I would be a surprise parcel wrapped in brown paper from Dorset (!)
If I was a part of the body... I would be a freckle. (Ha! Thought I'd say eye, didn't you?)
If I was a facial expression... I would be a grin.
If I was a cartoon character... I would be Rocket J. Squirrel.
If I was a movie... I would be Notting Hill.
If I was a shape... I would be a wiggly, imperfect circle.
If I was a number... I would be 9.
If I was a season... I would be fall.
If I was a sentence... I would be "Always take a no-thank-you portion".
Consider yourself tagged and leave me a note if you play! I'll try not to stay away so long.