M's school Halloween carnival was Friday night, and it was wonderful. Games, bounce-houses, the teacher's traditional Mystery-Theatre (which Mr. AV man recorded with the help of his friend Mr. Channel 12-guy) and home-made baked goodies at the cakewalk. The silent auction, raffle and carnival en toto raised over $17,000 for the school! Yay us! And it was fun. I'll swipe photos from my FIL soon and you'll see our fairy-girl and her bee-mum.
Saturday night our neighbors had pumpkin-carving party. Here are the results:

Can you see the ghost? SPOOKY!
And since pumpkins were eviscerated, you know there were seeds.....

Bowl o'joy.
Some decorations were applied to the house this evening, and more will befall it on the morrow. This is kind of our house-anniversary--we moved in 8 years ago! Still love this place.
I may be biting off more than I can chew, but I'm taking on a part-time job that I can do in the evenings, at home, after the girlie's abed. I'm going to give it a two-week trial and see how it goes, so it may be quiet around here (as it has been of late), but don't give up on me! There's still crafting going on, and you may get to see evidence of it now and again.
I'll tell you more as we go along.
In the meantime, BOO! to you and yours. Go eat some candy. And make it good, for heaven's sake, don't waste calories on hard candy or Smarties! We're talking CHOCOLATE!!!