Last week, Marion came home from Spring Break camp at the Desert Botanical Garden and informed me that she needed a hummingbird by Friday. Not a real one, but a finger puppet. Her group at camp would be running the "Hummingbird Information" cart at the Friday presentation. Other kids would be making the red, tubular flower and the nest, but she wanted to bring the hummer. Hmmmmm, I said, I bet I could make one.... and so, voila!
I really like the feet. Copper wire worked beautifully. This little prototype gave me some ideas about making more hummers...smaller ones in more greenish hues, with better-defined heads and made as little stuffed critters instead of puppets.
Had a sweet St. Pat's/10th anniversary on the 17th. Nice cards from my folks, and we did our usual gift for each other--we bought plants for the yard! This year we got some great stuff from the Desert Botanical Garden's annual plant sale--lots of cool stuff from Australia, a white penstemon (more hummer food, yay!) and a yellow sage. Most have been planted, and the others will be potted tomorrow.
Thoughts of Tim, as well, since it's now been a year that he's been gone. I think of him every day, and even though he's not here physically, I feel like he's still around. Still glad I got to share some of his life. Cheers, mon!
Awesome! That is so cool. I can't wait to see the future hummers!
The white penstemons are great, and they seem to reseed very well. The seed appears to be true to the parent, so I will hopefully have lots more white penstemons in the future. :D
What a lovely hummingbird. I think you "done real good" there. And the plant gifting is a sweet idea. Why didn't you tell me it was your anniversary?
A most excellent hummingbird! You may have a future in knitted desert hand puppets....
At least she didn't tell you that she needed hummingbird costumes. For the whole class. By tomorrow at noon. This is one cool bird! A great example of how to bring joy and art into daily living, and of how one good idea spawns so many others.
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