Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This and that

Marion spent a good 10 minutes creating this on the back patio on Sunday. It's to do with basketball. I like the word "Gravity" in the lower left corner. I'm nosy enough to wish I'd been allowed inside her head while she was creating this.

Here are my nature shots for today.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wacky Springer Spaniel

Leaf-nosed Spot.

Before home haircut and wash.

After home haircut and wash.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mid-March Tuesday

Last week, Marion came home from Spring Break camp at the Desert Botanical Garden and informed me that she needed a hummingbird by Friday. Not a real one, but a finger puppet. Her group at camp would be running the "Hummingbird Information" cart at the Friday presentation. Other kids would be making the red, tubular flower and the nest, but she wanted to bring the hummer. Hmmmmm, I said, I bet I could make one.... and so, voila!

I really like the feet. Copper wire worked beautifully. This little prototype gave me some ideas about making more hummers...smaller ones in more greenish hues, with better-defined heads and made as little stuffed critters instead of puppets.

Had a sweet St. Pat's/10th anniversary on the 17th. Nice cards from my folks, and we did our usual gift for each other--we bought plants for the yard! This year we got some great stuff from the Desert Botanical Garden's annual plant sale--lots of cool stuff from Australia, a white penstemon (more hummer food, yay!) and a yellow sage. Most have been planted, and the others will be potted tomorrow.

Thoughts of Tim, as well, since it's now been a year that he's been gone. I think of him every day, and even though he's not here physically, I feel like he's still around. Still glad I got to share some of his life. Cheers, mon!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Wedding chapeaux

These are for Andrea & Brian, to be wed on April Fool's Day.

Andrea's hat

This pattern was gleefully grafted from Ms. LemonyLemonade's blog.
I really, really LOVE her interpretation of Soulemama's pattern, and fully intend to make one for me in brighter colors.

Two hats from above

Two hats from above
Originally uploaded by kamsarmer.

Brian's hat

No real pattern here, just tried to give it some texture and make it NOT a duplicate of Andrea's.


These dudes like to dirt-bathe under Marion's swing-set.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

rainy day redeux

wet firefly

rainy day

It took over 140 days to get here, but now it's been raining since 1:00 AM. Yay! It's cold, too, which means some snow up north. We may head up next weekend if it sticks. Perfect staying in and knitting weather, so I'll go get to it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Girlie

I love this picture so much I can hardly stand it.

She hits!

And left-handed, too!

She fields!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wonderful sock yarn

In the beginning, there was superwash wool. And the woman fondled it, and it was good. There were several attempts to manipulate the fiber with the pointy sticks, and the woman was mildly put out, but she maintained her cool and managed a not-too-dreadful cast-on.

Two days passed, and although life dealt her a cruel blow and minimized her knitting time, she persevered, and lo, unto the kitchen table was brought forth.........................................................

Visible ribbing!

Della was 100% correct in that the first few rows were frazzling, but wow! Now I can see what's happening! I might even make it to the color change this evening if I get off the computer now.
